What distribution channels are there?
It is not the responsibility of the customer to question television’s distribution channels, but it is the responsibly of those who distribute content on television to make certain that their channels are as reliably available as possible.
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- Cable TV: these days, cable providers offer a variety of packages tailored to every type of customer in hopes that they will buy their service. This way, cable providers can rely on a steady stream of income rather than having to count on one or two things attracting customers.
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Customers who want to watch one channel all the time, or a few channels at a time, are more likely to sign up for cable TV’s lowest package. Customers that want to watch television in the evening and into the night
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will probably be interested in higher priced packages: channels like HBO, Showtime and Cinemax are at the top of this price range. These premium channels are what most television fans envision when they think of cable TV:
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sports, concerts and movies from major studios and popular actors. Cable providers also sell packages that are tailored for children: ESPN Zone, Disney Channel and Cartoon Network can all be purchased as part of cable’s family-oriented packages.
Image source: https://www.reliancedigital.in/
The major cable providers also sell packages tailored for sports fans: basic channels like Sportsnet and ESPN are available as part of these kids-oriented packages, as well as what is known as premium sports service, which features such channels as Fox Sports and TSN.
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- Satellite TV: customers who want to watch television do not need a cable connection at all. Satellite TV is a popularoption for customers who just want to watch television in the evening with no one-time setup fees or monthly bills.
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There are two main types of satellite services: direct broadcast satellites like DirecTV and Dish Network, and the older dish antenna services provided by companies such as Bell ExpressVu and Shaw Direct .
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The difference between the two types of satellite services is that whereas dish antenna services are designed for customers
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who want to watch television in their own homes, direct broadcast satellites offer television programming over the air, from anywhere in North America. Customers with an outdoor antenna
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will be able to pick up most of the major Canadian networks like CBC and CTV, along with a selection of American channels like CNN and HBO. Direct broadcast satellites offer even more programming: ESPN2, TSN and Sportsnet are on-demand subscriptions available as part of satellite
Image source: https://www.reliancedigital.in/
TV’s sports packages. Like cable TV, users can purchase extra channels based on their specific needs: premium channels like Cinemax and HBO are available through these packages as well. Usually, the cost of a direct broadcast satellite subscription is lower than that of dish services, but not always.
Image source: https://rtings.in/
Why won’t satellite service providers make all channels available via satellite? – Dish Network and DirecTV are owned by major media conglomerates.
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They want to make money by selling you the most basic packages they can, without offering more expensive ones.
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This way you will be ‘locked-in’ to their cable service at a low monthly rate. The only way to get more expensive channels if you don't want to pay for them is to have your TV moved closer by one of these companies' trucks or vans.
Image source: https://www.smartprix.com/
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