Bài đăng

What should I broadcast?

Hình ảnh
  I am a new editor and I have been given the responsibility to decide what to broadcast on the television. This is my first day and I need some help from you all in order to decide what to show. Please reply with suggestions for things that you would like to see on TV. Suggestions for things that could be shown: -cartoons... (examples)   -news (examples)   -sports events (examples) -music concerts (example) __ Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "How The Media Affects People". __ Write the conclusion of a speech that you give during class titled "How The Media Affects People". Extraneous material (examples) -In your introduction to this blog post, write down your own personal experiences with media and what effect it has had on you. You will use this information to choose one company as a model which you can argue against using. This is due tomorrow. I am an essayist, writer and director in the media indust...

What distribution channels are there?

Hình ảnh
It is not the responsibility of the customer to question television’s distribution channels, but it is the responsibly of those who distribute content on television to make certain that their channels are as reliably available as possible.  Image source:    https://www.amazon.com/ - Cable TV: these days, cable providers offer a variety of packages tailored to every type of customer in hopes that they will buy their service. This way, cable providers can rely on a steady stream of income rather than having to count on one or two things attracting customers.   Image source:    https://www.flipkart.com/ Customers who want to watch one channel all the time, or a few channels at a time, are more likely to sign up for cable TV’s lowest package. Customers that want to watch television in the evening and into the night   Image source:    https://www.smartprix.com/ will probably be interested in higher priced packages: cha...